Front Door to Cuba

Secret Statutes
of The Cuban Revolutionary Party

(From ObrAS COMPLETAS DE JOSÉ MARTÍ, La Habana, 1946, pp. 301-02)


The Cuban Revolutionary Party is composed of all the organized associations of independent Cubans accepting its program and fulfilling the duties imposed upon it.


The Cuban Revolutionary Party will function by means of independent Associations, which are the bases of its authority, an Advisory Board formed in each locality of the Presidents of all the Associations of that locality, and a Delegate and Treasurer, elected annually by the Associations.


The duties of the Associations are as follows:
1. To further, by all manner of effort, the general objectives of the Party's platform, and to accomplish the special tasks which the occasion or resources and situation of each locality might make necessary, under the instructions of their Presidents.
2. To collect funds for the war, and keep them in its custody.
3. To contribute to the operational funds, under a fixed quota imposed by current needs, through whatever extraordinary means may be possible.
4. To assemble and make available for action, within the general framework of thought and through the attraction and cordiality of the Party, as many elements of all kinds as may be procurable.
5. To prevent the revolutionary elements from drifting away from the common task.
6. To assemble, and make known to the delegate though the Advisory Board, all data that may be useful to the revolutionary organization both within and outside of the island.


The duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:
1. To act as a continuous intermediary between the Associations and the Delegate.
2. To advise and promote whatever leads to the combined efforts of the Associations of the locality.
3. To advise the Delegate of the methods and recourses which the Associations may suggest, or which the Presidents meeting on the Advisory Board may suggest.
4. To examine and authorize the elections of each locality.
5. To give the Delegate semimonthly reports on the work of the Associations and the suggestions of the Advisory Board, and to demand of the Delegate whatever explanations may be required for the most thorough knowledge of the spirit and methods by which the Delegate discharges his duties.


The Delegate's duties are as follows:
1. To procure, by all possible means and without the attenuation of delay, the accomplishments of the program's objectives.
2. To extend the revolutionary organization out of the country, and most especially within Cuba itself, and to obtain more operational and war funds.
3. To communicate to the Advisory Board all the information or assignments which it considers necessary for the efficacy of its cooperation in the general work.
4. To use the assembled operational funds economically.
5. To have the Treasurer authorize all disbursements out of his operational funds, and in case of war all disbursements which might have to be made for the services which by their general nature might fall into his hands.
6. To procure all possible resources for the propaganda, dissemination, and defense of revolutionary ideas, and to maintain the available elements in the best condition possible for the immediate war effort.
7. To render an annual account, at least one month before the elections, of operational funds received and how they have been used, and in case of war to render an account of funds that may need to be used.

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