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The Cuban Flag

the Cuban flag

The Cuban flag was created by Narciso López in 1849, and put together by Emilia Tolón.

The colors represented the aspiration for freedom that all men share: red, white and blue. Three blue stripes represent the states into which the island was divided at that time; two white stripes imply the force and dedication of the idealistic soldier for independence; a red triangle for equality, fraternity and liberty, and the blood shed in the pursuit of freedom; a white five-sided star, inside the red triangle, as a symbol of freedom between nations.

The flag is twice as long as it is wide.

There were several other attempts to establish a flag for a free and independent Cuba. The first Cuban flag was made by Joaquín Infante in the first decade of the 1800s, and was used by Cuban rebels in 1809-10 during a separatist conspiracy.

Another flag was used by the "Suns and Rays of Bolivar" (Los Soles y Rayos de Bolivar), a secret society organized by Cuban poet José María Heredia and José Francisco Lemus with the goal of liberating Cuba in 1823. The flag featured a brilliant golden sun.

Narciso Lopez
Struggle for Independence